Kyle Morton
Agile Coach
AIC 2025 Presentation
Presentation Title: Addition by Subtraction: Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency through Simplification
"Effective project teams engage in self-reflection to enhance their performance. However, our natural inclination as humans is to believe that introducing new methods is more beneficial than eliminating or streamlining existing ones. This mindset can lead us to overlook the significant benefits of subtraction and simplifying processes.
Discover the power of 'addition by subtraction' in this session, where we explore research such as Stephanie Creston's study on acquisitiveness and other studies that explore the challenges of our bias against subtraction. Engage in exercises and experience stories to see the impact of subtraction in areas like design and innovation. Gain and exchange practical ideas with the audience on how to help your teams include subtraction in their thinking."
Learning Outcomes:
Explore the impact of subtraction on innovation and progress
Gain insights into incorporating simplification strategies in team processes
Discover practical tools and techniques for enhancing creativity and efficiency
Learn from real-life examples how subtraction can drive design and innovation
AIC 2024 Presentation
AI Uncovered: A CIO's Journey into the Future of IT
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Kyle’s primary focus has been helping development teams be effective and enjoy their work. He has over twenty years of experience building Agile teams for software development or other technology delivery. Kyle has been with Insight for the last six years working in Agile coaching and training. Additionally, he has held or practiced roles including Business Analyst, Quality Assurance, User Experience Architect, Agile Manager, Project Manager, and Program Manager. Kyle has led Agile sessions at conferences including Southern Fried Agile in Charlotte, Agile Midwest in Saint Louis, TriAgile in Raleigh, Music City Tech in Nashville, CincyDeliver in Cincinnati, Agile Arizona in Phoenix, Agile and Beyond in Detroit, and Agile International Conference in Miami. Note that Tiffany Bamberger will be co-presenting on this session.